When pursuing a sales job, you need to remember that there is only one position to fill and many applicants that are vying for the same sales job. If you are not the one selected for the job, you can learn a lot by asking for feedback on how you could have done better to improve your chances or for feedback on things to improve. As a hiring sales manager, I had the tough job of calling great candidates that would have been perfect, but another candidate was just a much better fit. A few times, I have had sales candidates ask me to give them honest and transparent feedback so that they can have a better shot of getting the sales job when there is another opportunity. With patience, a good attitude, persistence and improvement, I have hired sales candidates that didn’t get hired the first time they interviewed with me.
You might not get a response from every hiring sales manager, but do send an email or ask while on the phone when being communicated that you were not selected for the sales position. With honest feedback, you can take what you did well and what you can improve upon to help you prepare for your next interview. If you are targeted a company and are determined to sell for them, then it is in your best interest to seek feedback so that you can have a much better chance the next time to interview.
If you happen to interview with the same hiring sales manager again, your due diligence and smart approach to applying the suggestions will be recognized by the hiring sales manager. This demonstrates that you are coachable, persistent and willing to take feedback. If the feedback comes back negative, you must be prepared to face the truth and to evaluate your true chances of getting that specific sales job.
So the next time you are pursuing a sales job and it doesn’t go your way, be prepared to ask for feedback and then improve your chances by developing the gaps and improving your strengths for the next sales job opportunity that comes up.
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