If you are in search of a career in sales, keep in mind that not all sales jobs are created equal. What I mean by this is that, in your search for sales jobs, if you are only searching for sales representative positions or sales, you might be missing out on many open opportunities in your market. …
The 30/60/90 Day Plan for Job Interviews
Looking for that extra edge and competitive advantage for your next sales interview? As a sales professional, you understand the benefits of having that competitive advantage and most products/services that we sell have very similar features. The things that make products and services stick out …
Preparation landed this candidate a lucrative sales job in Pharmaceutical Sales
One of the joys of and mission of starting salescareer.net was to help others prepare and land sales jobs. I recently learned from a sales candidate who landed a job at a large pharmaceutical company had used the Sell Me This Pen audiobook to help her prepare and I am happy to know that it really …