Not all resumes are created equal. Do a search for resume template, and you will find an ocean full of choices to select. As a job seeker, you will need to match your resume to the job you are seeking, and in this case for a sales job, you will need your resume to position you as the best candidate.
Many resume templates have flashy icons, and color schemes that might work for a creative role or I don’t know what, but in the sales world, it will only get your resume thrown in the trash based on the distraction factor. The main things you need to highlight in your sales resume are the relevant skills, past results, and experience. As a hiring sales manager, I look for recent sales results as an indicator of potential future success, and when looking at a sales resume, I want to able to quickly find that information. Don’t hide it behind fancy icons or colorful headers. You will need to think strategically about the design of your sales resume to place the information that will resonate with the hiring sales manager.
The design space of a simple sales resume is limited, and the layout must be designed in a way that is not distracting but communicates your past results, your skills, and past experiences. I have seen many resumes come my way and I can tell that the candidate only used a free template or one of the free Word templates. Now, these are o.k. But your sales resume is the single piece of promotional tool that will represent you before you even meet the hiring sales manager. It is critical to put your best foot forward, and it indeed starts with a well-designed sales resume.
To help you land more sales job interviews, you will want to place your past results and awards on the upper left-hand corner of the resume. This area of the resume is the prime real estate as the eyes naturally go there first. If your sales results and awards are hidden within the paragraphs of your sales resume, the hiring sales manager will need to dig to find the information. Strategically place this information in the location where the eyes go first.
Most sales resumes will have the contact information on the top, which is also another prime area for the sales resume. It takes up a few lines of space that can be used to quickly go into your past experience and past jobs. If we want to contact you, having your contact information on the lower left corner of the sales resume will be sufficient and in a strategically well-placed position.
Now a resume alone will not guarantee that you will land the sales job, but if you never get invited to the job interview, how will you ever get offered a job? Again, it is the single piece of promotional material that is used to communicate your past performance, skills and experience, so you will want to provide the best sales resume to help you land more interviews.
To help sales job seekers, we strategically designed a sales resume template with the hiring sales manager in mind. We gained feedback from dozens of hiring sales managers in different industries and have come up with the one selected the most as the best sales resume layout. Give yourself the competitive advantage and invest in yourself to gain that extra edge over the other candidates with a well-designed sales resume. Take a look at our single page sales resume template that is available for immediate download for you to edit and use to help you land more sales job interviews: Strategically Designed Sales Resume Template
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