The best way hiring sales managers gauge a candidate’s potential to do well for a job they are applying for is by looking into their past and seeing if you were successful in their sales job. Not only do we look at your past performance, but we are also interested in how you achieved sales success and how you plan to add value to the team you are looking to join. This is the very reason why it is so important for sales professionals to not only do well TODAY, but also keep track of the past successes you have achieved in the past.
Now more than ever, the competition for high paying sales jobs is fierce and there are many A players out there competing for the high paying sales gigs with great companies. If you are one of those A players that is in the search for a new sales job, then you deserve the best shot and you can accomplish this by looking into your past. Your past successes holds the key to your future success as you acquire the valuable experience and know how to reach goals and make the sale. The experiences you gain along the way will be shared during the sales job interview and explained in detail to the hiring sales manager.
I always highly suggest sales professionals to keep and maintain a sales brag book to help you package your sales career experience on a consistent basis so that you can quickly access to use when searching for a new sales job. If you scramble to put one together when you unexpectedly needed to look for a new job, you might miss out on some key successes that might have helped you during the sales job search. Be proactive and develop a sales brag book today.
As I progressed in my sales career, I have always added messages, awards and wins to my brag book file. I have been in a position where I had to look for another job because of changes that made me move to keep my job, but with my priority of staying close to family being highest, I opted for looking for another job. Other sales professionals were in the same situation as me due to the changes at our company, but the difference was that I have prepared for this moment by always updating my resume, having an updated sales brag book and continually networking within my niche so that I have a better chance of landing another excellent sales job. I have seen others who have been in their role for many years without thinking that they needed to find another job and when they had to make the move, they were stuck. Do yourself a favor and be proactive. If you have a good sales job now, it doesn’t hurt to update your resume with your new sales wins or added responsibilities. Start a sales brag book to collect your successes.
When going for a sales job, your past results is a clear indication that you know what it takes to be successful, but if you cannot communicate this to the hiring sales manager, then your past successes would not have been best used to help you develop a successful career in sales. Your past sales success can also be used for a promotion and used as the evidence that you have been successful in the past and show what you can bring to the table for the future.
The best way to position yourself with your past success in sales is to communicate this on your sales resume, your sales brag book and how you inject these experiences in your answers to the questions you get during a sales job interview. As a hiring sales manager, I had to recruit for new sales talent and the first piece of information I use to quality candidates is the sales resume. I have seen many resumes that look the same, or outdated and simply nothing stands out. I have also received a candidate’s resume that shows results, past wins, awards and makes me want to call the person immediately. This is what you need to develop and use to progress in your sales career.
This now takes us to the PRESENT moment and what you can do TODAY to help your sales career. It is critical to have a successful past and today becomes your past in the coming years. Do what you can to capture the wins in a consistent basis. Add these wins to your sales brag book and update your sales resume. Challenge yourself and strive to be the best, surpass your sales goals and win sales awards. These are the weapons you use to make you stand out over other sales candidates and prove to the hiring sales manager that you deserve the high paying sales job because you got what it takes to be successful.
To learn more about developing a sales brag book, click: Sales Brag Book
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